
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Seeing Jesus Face-to-face

Mid-afternoon last Saturday, I found myself alone with Izzie on a long car ride to a five-year old birthday party. It was just the time I needed to connect one-on-one with her, but I was taken back by the depth of conversation I was able to have with her.

My eyes were heavy, and I let out a sigh. 

"Mommy, are you tired?" 

"Yes, sweetie. Mommy went to a funeral this morning, and so I feel a little tired."

I explained to her what what happens at a funeral, who the woman was that had passed, how people tend to feel many different emotions when someone dies, and why all of this can make a person feel very sleepy in such a short time.

"So where is she now?"

"Izzie, you know how you and mommy rub noses together sometimes, and we look at each other face-to-face? And we tell each other how much we love each other?"


"Well, right now, Miss H is in heaven rubbing her nose with Jesus in heaven and looking at him face-to-face because she asked Jesus into her heart."

"Well, I want to go RIGHT NOW! Jesus is always in my heart and I want to see Him face-to-face."

Oh, thank you, Izzie for getting it right. Yes, the innocence of your heart and the depth of your love for Jesus and your curiosity for heaven! May you never become jaded by this world and forget that longing you have to rub noses with Jesus and see Him face-to-face.

"Izzie, God has given each of us a job to do here on earth. Look around, Izzie. He made this place for us, and our job is to figure out what it is that He has created us for and then to do it. When God decides that we have completed our work here on earth, He will call us home--just like he did for Miss H. THEN we will see Jesus face-to-face."

Well done, Miss H. Well done, good and faithful servant.

Lord Jesus, You give sweet moments of clarity even in the most painful times. Continue to reveal to me and to my family and to your body how very much we long to be in your presence, to rub noses, and to see you face-to-face. Amen.


  1. What a sweet exchange between you and Izzie! She is very wise indeed!:)

  2. Thanks, Adriana. It did my heart good to have this interaction with Izzie. We've had a rough go of it the last bit or so, and this was just what I needed to soften my heart toward my little one. :)

  3. What a great and sweet picture of the gospel. I am so glad u guys had some good mommy daughter time! Hope you are having a great time with Jesus Mrs. H!


May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.

May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.

